Minggu, 03 April 2011

simulation program to purchase fuel

task group:
1. Mukti Fadlillah Ayudewi (10018052)
2. Franecia Kartika (10018078)
3. Peni Sukma Nur Pratiwi (10018034)

simulation buy fuel with specifications:
Input form:
money / how many liters that will be purchased
Type of fuel to be purchased
Indicators will continue (increasing 0.1liter) for the total price / number of liters of fuel purchased not exceed demand
Output states:
The number of liters purchased (if the input in the form of money)
Total money to be paid (if the input in the form liter)


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

class spbu (){
friend ostream& opreator<<(ostream&,spbu&); friend istream& operator>>(istream&,spbu&);
public :
void banyak();
void pilihan();
void hitung_liter();
void hitung_harga();
private :
int harga;
int Biaya;
int a,b ;
float hasil ;
float premium ;
float solar ;
float pertamax ;
void banyak::liter(){
cout<<"Masukkan berapa liter yang dibutuhkan : "; cin>>x;
void banyak::pilihan(){
cout<<"pilih 1 untuk premium\n"<>y;
void banyak::hitung_liter(){
float i = 0.0;
while(i <= x){
i = i + 0.1;
cout< }
void banyak::hitung_harga(){
float hasil = 0.0;
float premium = 4500;
float solar = 6000;
float pertamax = 8000;
if(y == 1)
hasil = x * premium;
else if(y == 2)
hasil = x * solar;
else if(y == 3)
hasil = x * pertamax;
cout<<"harga : "< }
void main(){
spbu :


program java menghitung nilai faktorial

Award as the value of factorial is the result of the multiplication of positive integers less than or equal to the value N. Writing is usually a factorial: n!

berikut programnya :

import jeliot.io.*;

public class faktorial
public static void main (String[ ] args)
long limit = 20; // menghitung faktorial integer daeri 1 – 20
long faktorial = 1; // pendefinisian variabel faktorial

for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++)
faktorial = 1;

for (int faktor = 2; faktor <= i; faktor ++)
faktorial *= faktor;
System.out.println (i + "!" + " adalah " + faktorial);