Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Print the prime numbers between 1-100 by function overloading

function and operator overloading are the two most important things in C + + programming language.

mekipun unique function, this function is not much different from other types of functions.

In C + +, a function call is not only determined by the function name, but also
by type and number of actual parameters.

Facilities relating to existing functionality
other in C + + is a template function, operator function, inline function.

The following is a program of Printing prime numbers between 1-100 by function overloading





class prog


friend istream & operator >> ( istream &, prog & );

friend ostream & operator << ( ostream &, prog & );


void id();


char nama[60];


float m;

float c;

float energi;


void prog::id()


cout << "Nama Program : ";

cin.getline( nama, 60 );

cout << endl;





ostream & operator << ( ostream & out, prog & y )



int i,j,k;

cout<<"bilangan 1-100"<

for (i=2;i<=100;i++){

for (j=2;j<=i/2;j++){


if (k==0 )break;





return out;


int main()

{ cout << "\t\t\t# C++ #\n\n";

char nama[90] =


"Cetak Bilangan Prima "


cout << "Nama Program :" << nama << endl;

cout << "\n";

prog a;

cout << a;


return 0;


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